Free but with some minor restrictions

CommunityAmerica Ballpark has a great deal of free parking. The parking lots are to west and north of the facility. There are some restrictions on parking since season and skybox ticket holders get access to parking closer to the north entrance.
This is fine since most fans will want to enter through the main gate. In fact, if you arrive early you can park in the front row parking immediately in front of the main entrance since the handicapped parking runs along the west side of the stadium.

heading north on 110th Ave.
(July 2003)
Parking Entrances are on the WEST SIDE of the Ballpark
The primary entrance to the parking lots are off 110th Ave. In 2003, these are very easy to spot since there was a corn field to the west of the street and nothing but vacant lots around them. This will change so you may not see the ballpark unless you're near the 110th and State Ave. intersection.
Also potentially confusing is that staff and player parking is on the east side of the ballpark with no access to the main lots. This may look convenient, but not only is it not allowed, it's very inconvenient since it is a long walk to the entrances which are on the other side of the ball park. Again, as development fills in the many vacant lots --hopefully with the much needed motels and restaurants-- it will "less inviting" to NOT take 110th Ave.
Simple rule of thumb --
If you can see the seats of the grandstand
You're on the wrong side of the stadium.