A Fan's History of the Highs and Lows During Five Stormy Years with the Madison Black Wolf
by James P. Roberts
Webmaster's review
A personal book on the Northern League, specifically the Madison Black Wolf ('96-'00). Chronicles each season, has complete stats for all Black Wolf, information about all the Northern League ballparks from Jim's summer tour and one one of the most complete collections of articles about Ila Borders ever (17 pgs. entitled "My Summer with Ila"). A book written from Stefan's point of view.
- Large Format Paperback: White Hawk Press, 2002, 135 pages
- ISBN: 0-9636544-6-2
- Ordering Information:
- Not available in stores. Order directly from the author for $15.00, plus $3.00 shipping
- Send payment to:
- White Hawk Press
James P. Roberts, editor/publisher
324 Kedzie Street, Apt. #30
Madison, WI 53704 - Make check or money order payable to
- James P. Roberts
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