Left | Center | Right |
295 | 305 | 295 |
Actually the corn acts as the outfield fence. Obviously depending on the time of year its height varies. The pictures on these pages were taken around Labor Day (1999) so the corn is fully grown at about 8 feet.
Field orientation is unusual since it points northwest. Though this doesn't make much sense for a ball game, it made for great filming since the sunsets would be in the faces of the players and the family sitting on the(lone) set of stands.
For anyone thinking about playing baseball here, things aren't quite like they are in the movie. First off, there are powerlines running directly through the middle of the field. As the picture shows they almost line up with the second to third base line. This is because they follow the property line between the two "actual" properties. During shooting, the power lines were moved to give the high clearance seen in the movie. For (dubious?) reasons, it was agreed to restore them after shooting.
Another less obvious characteristic is that right field has a distinct "rise" to it. In the movie you can't tell that that this "ballpark ain't flat." It's a "gentle" rise, but right fielders will run up its slope.