Mascot: Homer Hound #44 ('94-'96, '99-'02)
Homer Hound says "Hi!" (1996)
The Homer Hound arrived in '94 to lead the crowd cheers and was the most gymnastic of the league's mascots (contrasting with The Duke who had an assistant help him through the grandstands). He returned, a little less active, but much taller for '99.
Homer's birthday is (was) June 17
Other notable residents of "The Wade"
Rosie (1993-)

Rosie (1997)
"The Mascot" making mischief behind her
Rosie was the leader of the Dukes fan club and something of an Duke's institution. No Dukes experience was complete without hearing her belt out her special rendition of "Take me out to the ballgame" during the seventh inning stretch.
Mr. Tidy (1997-1999)
Mr. Tidy taking trash from a fan (1997)
Mr. Tidy fought a never ending battle to keep the stands clean!
He used to walk around in a polo shirt (originally in a tuxedo) carrying a trash bag to take your trash. People actually hold on to their trash to give to him to take away for them. He's now serving his country in the military.
So when you finished your drinking or snack you'd call out
to have it discarded properly.
"The Duke" ('93-'94)
Webmaster has a laugh with "The Duke" (1994)
The Duke retired in '95 (apparently because his presence frightened kids), but was the original mascot from the inaugural ('93) season. He was a dapper baseball-headed gent sporting a monocle.
Rally Man ('94, '97, ??)
Though I never saw him, there is some fan who's known as "Rally Man." He was last spotted
during the '97 league championships.
Fans: Let's Make NOISE!!
Dukes fans celebrating victory over the Saints
'97 Eastern Division Championship
Regardless of the fortunes of the team, Dukes crowds included die-hard fans
who attended through thick and thin. This crowd, particularly kids pounding the aluminum benches
ensured a load roar when ever their players take the field or the plate.
The acoustics under the roof, and the use of a very good (and loud) sound system can
approach that of the Metrodome during the '87 series. Unfortunately the PA system was
usually too and often needless played to distortion levels.
Other specialties are the ad for the (City) Auto Glass on foul balls. When the foul ball
went up, back and towards the parking lots you heard a loud "crash." Then recited along with
the locals "uh, oh." Then recited the number 722- (now making an "O" shape with your arms)
zero, zero, zero, zero (those in the know would say "baseball, baseball, baseball,
baseball" since that's is what the sign actually showed).