Spare Time: What to do between games in Thunder Bay...
- The Keg steakhouse which was good
- Casey's (before or after the game)
- Ringside Seat (bring your ticket stub for three free chicken wings; favorite player watering hole)
- There are other (typical) foods around such as Applebee's at the corner of Balmoral and the Harbour Expressway
Sites & Attractions
Having made friends with a local family we learned some of the truly fun things to do here and had genuinely wonderful time (despite fixing a flat after collecting cheap amethyst).
Old Fort William (807.577.8461) is complete re-creation of the original settlement (C$10 Adults, $6.50 Students & Seniors, Under 5: free; Open 10-5, May through October). The most enjoyable way to get there was by ferry from the bay which would take you up-river to the fort. Sadly the ferry was sold and taken to Montreal.
Old Fort William (directions by car):
- Hwy 61 to Broadway Avenue West
- Look for sign (?)
- Old Fort William is south of Broadway
For the outdoors type (or those who want a spectacular view of nature) go to the "Sleeping Giant" park. The "Giant" is the island in the bay with "unbelievable" scenery, along with hiking, camping, swimming, and sightseeing. It can easily fill your free time on a game day.
The "scenic" view from the south end of the city is all right but may not be worth the trip. It's confusing as you have to drive through the streets of the Port Arthur part of town trying to find your way over the river then the "hidden" road to the cross at the top.

Rock hounds who already have a rock tumbler, or those who think they might, should drive the 40 km north east and pick up their own amethyst. This runs only C$1 a pound (though there's usually a fee to get to the picking). If your car can take it, the trip up the hillside to the big mine provides a beautiful view of the bay on the way back. Otherwise note the sign about the "good" or "level" roads and stay on the lower ground.
Look for a bank to convert your US money here. There are several branches of the major Canadian consortiums here. The one we stumbled on while lost in the Port Arthur section did, I don't think that it was luck.
Ontario has a toll-free number for Thunder Bay activities at 1.800.667.8386.