Spare Time: What to do between games in Joliet...
Near the ballpark is the Down from the Tracks Bar & Grill (50 E. Jefferson St., 815-724-1192) conveniently located just down from the ballpark. It has a patio area as well as seating in Union Station itself. Down Clinton St. (street beyond left field and in front of the fire station) is the small sports restaurant Champions(?) which offers the usual Chicago selection of hot dogs and beverages. At the Harrah's casino are four different restaurants from an inexpensive buffet to fine dining at Van Buren's. Down the street on Jefferson is McBrody's Bar & Grill (73 W. Jefferson St., 815-726-8960)
Sites & Attractions

Rialto Square Theatre
The ballpark is just across the tracks from the city's Historic Corridor. This encompasses Scott St. from the Union Station (built 1910, restored 1991) on historic Route 66 and North Chicago St. with the Rialto Square Theatre (build 1926 as for vaudeville). Historic Corridor Visitor's Bureau (81 N. Chicago, 815.727.2323 or toll free 800.926.2262) for the area is convenient located near the theatre.
Yes, Joliet is still home to one of the oldest prisons in Illinois
Joliet's rail lines were elevated in 1910 to ease traffic problems. These now provide large "canvases" for community artists who painted numerous notable murals over them. A map and guide to the public art is available from the visitor's bureau. With $55M spent on the downtown there is hope for a true renaissance saving some notable architecture.

Route 66 runs (nearly)
right past the ballpark
Also downtown is Harrah's Joliet Casino (151 N. Joliet St., 800.HARRAHS) featuring the Southern Star and Northern Star river boats. These share 18 daily cruises on the Des Plaines river.
Joliet is also located on the Illinois & Michigan Canal Heritage Corridor. The "I&M Canal," built in 1848 was the "superhighway" of its time connecting Chicago's Navy Pier to the Illinois River near Utica IL in the center of the state. The corridor has numerous bike paths, old locks & dams, nature reserves, state parks and historic sites. Joliet is near the midway point of the corridor and a short drive from many of the more interesting sites.
Joliet is also home to Chicagoland Speedway on the NASCAR circuit and Route 66 Raceway on the NHRA for those looking for "faster action."
Ample but not much downtown.
Joliet is close to I-55 and "on" I-80. Various hotels and motels in several price ranges are available. Those on I-80 are more convenient to the ballpark while I-55 spots are a couple miles drive from downtown. Unfortunately, other than the Harrah's downtown --which is usually full-- there is no place to stay downtown.